Thursday, April 28, 2011

Secure routing for Mobile ad-hoc networks

MANET is self organised interconnection of wireless communication devies. The key challenge in mobile ad hoc networks is to provide security to the network becuase in the dynamic enviornment roaming nodes moves in and out of the network all the times that can bring malicious nodes to the network which can reroute or sometimes clog the n/w. So to avoid such scenario, authors presented a routing protocol that will mitigate the effects of such malicious nodes.Protocol fabricates consists of diverse paths from S-D.And also it is based on assumpation that there exists a shared key b'w source and destination. Source disperses the message into no of parts and each node is equipped with SRP header that consists of query identificaion number, Query sequence number and MAC. And once the data is received by destination node, It will validate the data by comparing it with information conatined in SRP header.
And in the end, Protocol guarantees thte route replies will never be rejected or reach back the querying node.

1 comment:

  1. I would be very curious to see how long a network would last using a secure routing protocol like this. Security protocols are always going to add overhead but I think one of things they really need to concentrate on is making them as lightweight as possible
