Monday, April 25, 2011

Secure Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks: Attacks and Countermeasures

The paper highlights the importance of security mechanisms in wireless sensor network routing protocols. The authors point out that adding security to a routing protocol after the design is complete is very difficult due to the limited processing capabilities of the sensor nodes and hence, security should be incorporated as one of the design parameters of a routing protocols. Various security threats and their counter measures, for both generic and specific routing protocols have been discussed.


  1. I liked this paper as it gives an over view of attacks on general WSN routing and attacks on specific WSN protocols.I am not sure what happens when data is captured, copied and forwarded unnoticed?

  2. Like I was talking about in class, I wonder how a protocol that uses anycasting would do against these types of attacks. I'm pretty sure it would make it harder to compromise the network, because each node will have multiple forwarders and no route will be guaranteed to be taken every time.
